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Meet The Team


Tina Fleming


Tina’s background includes Public Health, Mining, Civil, Utilities and Manufacturing Industries as well as Local, State & Territory Government. Her experience provides technical and strategic capabilities across Governance, Risk and Compliance Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Internal and Quality Audit, Continuous Improvement and Change Management and Emergency / Disaster Management.


Viviane Fuchs


Viv has a background that encompasses significant experience across Mining and Stakeholder Engagement, Community Development, Employment Services and Disability Services. This has enabled a rich appreciation of, and flair for, developing trust. Highly skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, Labor Relations, Management, and Community Engagement. Viv is an effective communicator with particular skills in implementing cross cultural developmental programmes.

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Les Robinson


Les has extensive experience  engaging and living within remote communities throughout Australia; he has managed a suite of businesses and programs including:  Housing, Civil Works, Essential Services, Women’s Centre, Rangers, remote Supermarkets, Fuel Supplies, Mechanical Workshops, Arts and Culture Centres/Museums, Foods Café, Community Patrol, Employment Services and Money Management Services. His capacity building expertise is second to none and his experience providing outreach services to Aboriginal communities is an essential component of the services Bina has to offer.


Justin Grant


Justin  is a proud Walrpiri/ Jawoyn man and a film director. His career in the film industry began as an actor with a Diploma of Theatre Performing Arts, followed by becoming a skilled writer and progressed into completing a Masters Degree of Film and T.V. at Victoria University. Justin graduated with Honor Marks and won Special Recognition Awards for his graduating film – A Piece of Us.  Born in Katherine-NT, Justin grew up listening to his Elders sharing their Dream Time stories, his upbringing has contributed to him becoming a remarkable story teller who's professional career has already presented us all with several short films, music video clips alongside his current work directing  full feature films.

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